Diagnose prostate cancer more accurately.
MRI can be used to diagnose prostate cancer non-invasively, painlessly and accurately.
Precise diagnostics are the basis for new and targeted prostate cancer therapies with minimal side effects.
A new approach
If prostate cancer is suspected, usually because of elevated PSA levels, the next step classically recommended is a transrectal punch biopsy. However, this only provides the correct diagnosis in 30 to 35 percent of cases. That’s not good enough for us. And not for you either.
That is why at VITUS PRIVATKLINIK we use the most modern methods: MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) as well as MRI-planned and transperineal 3D mapping biopsy. These diagnostic methods detect prostate cancer with 85 to 100 percent accuracy. This allows us to avoid unnecessary invasive procedures.
The classic method
A standard prostate cancer biopsy will only detect prostate cancer if it happens to be in one of the areas from which samples are taken. If no cancer is found but the PSA level rises again, another biopsy is performed, and so on until the tumor is found by chance or is large enough to be detected by punch biopsy.
This type of transrectal biopsy also runs the risk of underestimating the extent of the cancer. In addition, infection can always occur with such invasive procedures.
The alternative treatment for prostate cancer
Vitus offers you the latest options for treating prostate cancer.
We remove the cancer, not the prostate.
NanoKnife – A revolution in the treatment of prostate cancer
Once prostate cancer has been diagnosed, patients are often faced with a choice: Either the prostate is surgically removed or treated with radiation therapy. At the same time, those affected often do not know all the facts about possible side effects and the actual risks associated with the treatment or its benefits.
Our most important message is this: Don’t be rushed or pressured. Prostate cancer often progresses slowly. In any case, you will have plenty of time to learn about all the treatments for prostate cancer. In addition, classic “radical” therapy (surgery and/or radiation treatment) for low-grade prostate cancer extends life expectancy only slightly – it is probably the same for high-grade prostate cancer. Thus, the classic treatment can lead to serious side effects: Impotence in up to 70 percent of cases, incontinence in 20 to 50 percent of patients.
At the VITUS PRIVATKLINIK, you will receive a precisely targeted NanoKnife therapy for prostate cancer, which also significantly reduces undesirable side effects.
Do you have problems urinating?
Water Vapour for Benign Enlargement of the Prostate
This new treatment method uses steam to gently reduce the size of the prostate.
Unpleasant side effects, such as incontinence or impotence, can thus usually be avoided.
Your advantages
- minimally invasive treatment
- no retrograde ejaculation
- Maintains the prostate urethra
- fewer complications *compared to alternative treatment methods
- short stay
- short catheter time
- No scarring of bladder neck
Patient Stories
Conclusion: After now one year after the IRE treatment, all urological functions (urination, erection, ejaculation with the above mentioned) work completely without any problems, my PSA level is 1.0 and all post-op MRIs did not show any pathological changes. So everything top! My express thanks here to Dr. Zapf and Dr. El Idrissi for the very successful treatment and the aftercare consultations with e.g. dietary recommendations, sports recommendations etc. In addition, I am of course very grateful to Prof. Dr. Stehling and again to Dr. Zapf for their pioneering work in the field of IRE in general. More
W. from Hannover
That IRE that got me back from a cancer diagnosis on March 26, 2013. This date is also deeply etched in my memory, almost like my birthday. It was and still is a miracle for me! To this day, I am grateful to Professor Stehling and his great team every time I live and act as a man ... More
I had decided on this new treatment method after my previous urologist in Berlin had advised me to have my prostate radically removed, but I was not particularly happy with this “solution”. From the very first personal contacts with PC staff, I felt a firm confidence in the treatment path proposed to me... More
A patient from Berlin
Overall, I can only say that from the first telephone inquiry at the Prostate Center, through all examinations and treatment steps, to the follow-up, every step was well explained, the care was extraordinarily professional and at the same time humanly very empathetic. After all, this disease is also psychologically difficult for a man to deal with... More
Michael Kirchsteiger
I was lucky that there are doctors like you who have the courage to expand the status quo knowledge, to practice it without stochastic long-term confirmation. This demand is in itself a contradiction, as the new and long-term experience do not go together in principle. Looking back, I would like to tell you with humility and gratitude, not to be confused with flattery, about my experience of how your treatment at the VITUS Private Clinic affected me and how I fared as a patient... More